Julio & Mindy Arria

Serving in Spain

Spain is heavily Catholic, only one out of ten Catholics attends church services.  Agnosticism is the fastest-growing religious ideal in Spain. Evangelicals only make up 1% of the population.

We are asking God to start 24 Disciple-Making Movements that transform Granada, Spain, South America, and the ends of the earth. We work with an outstanding team of folks from different nationalities, with a global vision to form spiritually healthy, simple church communities in each of the 41 towns around Granada, Spain. Who will reproduce themselves into the surrounding cities and beyond.  We seek to equip every disciple to be a fisher of men, a worth reproducing and fruitful disciple who glorifies our heavenly father.

Paul best describes our mission:

“You have heard me teach things that have been confirmed by many reliable witnesses. Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others. “

We greatly appreciate your partnership supporting us with prayer and financial giving to reach the world’s unreached people!

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Discipleship Global Inc.
12123 Shelbyville RD STE 100 #294
Louisville, KY 40243

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