About US

what you win people with,

you win them to

We are a mission agency with the goal of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. We’re fully reliant on God and faithfully follow where He leads. We seek to catalyze a DMM/CPM around the globe through training and raising up disciples, and empowering them to raise up further generations of disciple makers.

We’re a group of regular folks: fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. Some of us are in the workforce, some retired, some are full time missionaries. We work and serve in all walks of life from every kind of background and with every kind of story. But there’s something that unites all of us: the desire to hear and learn from God – to walk with Jesus, to be transformed by His Spirit and to be a part of what He’s doing to change the world. We are about empowering everyone to make disciples. We stress simple and reproducible. We stress prayer and mountain moving faith.

-Eric Barry